
学院的活动包括辩论队, 全国荣誉学会, the annual ICJA Takes the Stage 和 student council present leadership opportunities while providing students with a forum to develop their talents 和 interests. Despite the Academy’s small student body, students have endless extracurricular opportunities. 参加学校的戏剧演出, pick up an instrument for the first time in b和 or join the softball team with little or no experience. 那些找不到适合自己需要的俱乐部的人,可以自己创建.


夫人. 玛莎安诺 顾问

夏洛特的网, 艾达·克朗广受好评的文学杂志, 展示学生的写作和艺术才能. The club welcomes literary 和 art submissions from all students 和 then edits these submissions to later be compiled into a magazine.


夫人. 奥利维亚·弗里德曼 / 医生菲尔 顾问

ICJA的 艾丽卡的灯塔 精神健康意识俱乐部, 提倡积极的学校文化, 在心理健康问题上具有包容性和同理心. 我们通过提供准确的信息来实现这一目标, crafting meaningful school programs 和 partnering with the broader Chicago Jewish 和 mental health communities.


Dr. Gavriel布朗, 顾问

Students get h和s on experience using professional cameras 和 equipment to live-broadcast ICJA home basketball games 和 other events. 学生们管理着我们直播的每一个环节, 包括评论, 在线直播, 拍摄, 摄影, 制作体育宣传视频.


夫人. Chavee Gottlieb, 顾问

Hugo’s Heroes is a world-wide movement to certify students in CPR 和 First Aid, 以及训练青少年作为学生的第一反应者. Team members develop protocols to proactively keep people safe at school 和 manage patient needs in the event of a crisis until help can arrive. 一次认证, 学生将按月参加继续教育课程, to practice their skills 和 learn from various healthcare professionals in the community. Ida Crown’s chapter of Hugo’s Heroes- Chicago Aces is the first team in the Midwest 和 is acting as a model for other schools in the area.


Mr. 丹尼尔•哈里斯、顾问

This club is open to all students demonstrating good middot, with a GPA of 3.75或以上,至少20个服务点.


夫人. 艾莉萨Zeffren, 顾问

JUMP(犹太人团结辅导计划) is the NCSY National Leadership Program that trains 和 empowers high school students from all over the United States to become leaders. Participants are given the tools 和 training to make positive changes in their schools 和 communities, while broadening their underst和ing of local 和 global issues facing the Jewish people today.

kesheet Peer Buddies

kesheet Peer Buddies gives students the opportunity to spend time with Keshet students. You will be able to form meaningful connections through activities, lunches, 和 more!


夫人. 斯蒂芬妮Pederson 顾问

打电话给所有的数学天才! The mathletes team is a club that attends math competitions every few weeks. The competitions have students complete math problems for fun 和 are either hosted by Ida Crown or by other schools.


Mr. 菲尔•Zbaraz 顾问

A program created to offer educational support to students/teachers at Middleton School, 学院校园正对面的小学.  为斯科基社区服务的特殊机会. Mentors (pre-Covid) actually entered the classrooms 和 provided the necessary supports to students which the classroom teachers determine.


拉比Mayer Simcha Stromer, 顾问

我在找犹太律法? 周一和周四晚上参加ICJA机制! 学习有趣的托拉主题,享受拉比奥伦的著名演讲!


Mr. 乔希·库珀 顾问

If you enjoy debate 和 problem solving, Model UN is just the right place for you. 每年, Ida Crown的模拟联合国团队参加了YUNMUN, 叶史瓦大学的全国联合国会议. 作为委托, you will perform extensive research on different issues that you will use to debate with at YUNMUN. 团队每周开会为会议做准备.


Mr. 菲尔•Zbaraz 顾问 点击这里 了解更多.

他们的领导才能得到认可, 为学校服务, 学业成绩和技术水平, 国家荣誉协会代表了艾达·克朗最优秀的人.


夫人. 谢里•戈尔茨坦 顾问

任何喜欢写作的人都会喜欢报纸! The Crown Prints keeps the student body updated on school events 和 current issues that pertain to high schoolers.

哦,提前! (摄影俱乐部)

Ms. 凯萨琳凯莉, 顾问


Mr. 菲尔•Zbaraz 顾问

每年ICJA的高年级学生, who are members of the Senior Leader Program 和 who also qualify for the 全国荣誉学会 – Torah Chapter, 提供同伴辅导.  这个过程很容易开始。.all a student has to do is obtain a Request Form from the Social Services Department which when completed, 将与一名同侪导师配对.  If a student has any questions or concerns about the Program, they are encouraged to speak with Mr. Phil Zbaraz (Phil博士),学生社会服务主任.


拉比Mayer Simcha Stromer拉比梅纳赫姆·罗森鲍姆, 顾问

艾达冠童会(工商银行) runs monthly events combining learning 和 fun: previous activities have included Cubs Games, 激光标签, 在ICJA的棒球比赛中尾随, 保龄球派对. 中国工商银行还举办一年一度的男孩安息日.


夫人. 艾莉萨Zeffren, 顾问


Mr. 菲尔•Zbaraz 顾问

A program of a select group of ICJA Seniors whose primary mission is to offer mentorship, 支持和友谊的ICJA低年级学生.  One of the more important functions of this Group is to play an integral part of Freshmen Orientation.  Membership in this group is decided by meeting a specific set of criteria guidelines.


夫人. 玛琳华志坚, 顾问


夫人. Alise黄金夫人. 林恩卡夫、顾问

艾达皇冠女孩俱乐部(ICGC)举办了无数的活动, 从每月一次的学习中, Rosh Chodesh chaburot, chagigot, weekly Babka 和 Bubbies in which girls bake sweet treats 和 deliver them to Park Plaza erev Shabbat, 以及一年一度的安息日.


夫人. Alissa Zeffren、顾问

The 学生活动 student board meets with the faculty 顾问 throughout the school year to help plan meaningful programming such as the all-school retreat, ;痒编程, 安息日和星期五,以及包括Yom haatzmao在内的假日节目


Mr. Josh铜、 顾问

如果你是一个领导,学生会是最适合你的社团. 学生会 is a committee of students elected by their peers to lead the school in events 和 activities. 往年, 学生会 has been known to plan the annual pep rally 和 create some ICJA swag.


夫人. 艾莉萨Zeffren, 顾问

学生对学生 brings Jews from all different backgrounds together to educate students in public schools. 如果你是学生对学生的一部分, 你会就安息日之类的话题发表演讲, 犹太教规, 和大屠杀. 该俱乐部的主要目标是打破围绕犹太教的障碍.


夫人. 奥利维亚•弗里德曼 顾问

Tabachim是一个带着美食特色的女生烹饪俱乐部. Girls can learn some awesome recipes from experienced chefs while having a great time.


Mr. 约书亚·库珀、顾问

If you’re interested in business, YBLOT(明日青年商业领袖) is the club for you. YBLOT focuses on strategies for effective business management 和 general information regarding business as a career path.


夫人. 希瑟的爱好、顾问

每年, the 年鉴 team compiles a beautiful book to remember the year. The yearbook includes an insight into student life at Ida Crown as well as memories throughout the year. 年鉴每周开一次会. 电子邮件广告或问题 adsicja@gmail.com.

日子Ha 'Atzmaut

夫人. Alissa Zeffren、顾问

Yom HaZikaron委员会

夫人. Alissa Zeffren、顾问

你是Torah Mitzion Kollel

鲁文·布兰德拉比, 顾问



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