


  • 参加PSAT考试.
  • 认真注册第二学期的课程. 选择你能成功管理的最苛刻的项目. 你三年级的学习成绩非常重要. Evaluate it and try to strengthen skills in areas that are more difficult for you. 要特别注意英语和数学技能.
  • Begin building a college list by consulting books that provide information about a wide range of colleges. 也可以参考以下网站 www.美国大学.com.
  • 参加学院代表对ICJA的访问. 根据对你重要的问题提前准备好问题清单.
  • 调查并参加当地的大学博览会.
  • 尝试参加SAT/ACT复习课程.
  • Consider taking the 12月 or 2月 ACT and/or the 12月 or 1月 SAT I.
  • Students who are registering for a non-Saturday test date for the first time must do so on paper rather than online. 随纸报名材料, each student must send a letter that verifies that his or her religious beliefs prohibit Saturday testing. A letter and paper registration materials are available in the Guidance office.


  • 尝试参加SAT/ACT复习课程.
  • Schedule and take the 4月 and/or 6月 ACT and/or the March, 可以, and/or 6月 SAT I.
  • Certain selective colleges require students to submit the results of two or three SAT IIs (Subject Tests). 查看你感兴趣的学校的要求. Consider taking the SAT II if you will be completing an AP course or a course sequence at the Honors level. 请注意,某些SAT ii并非在所有SAT考试日期都提供.
  • Start drafting personal essays and building an academic resume of your activities and interests.
  • 认真注册大四的课程. 选择你能有效处理的最苛刻的项目. Register for at least four college prep courses each semester (five courses if you are considering highly selective colleges).
  • 参观大学. At each visit, fill out a visitor card, attend an information session, and take a campus tour. 去感受一下每个校园, 在自助餐厅用餐, 参观图书馆, 在学生会与学生交谈, 参观希勒尔, 等. 如果有机会,安排一次正式的面试. 如果你有一个特别感兴趣的领域,可以和老师见面.
  • 找一份暑期工作, 调查大学的暑期项目, 或者考虑参加以色列或其他地方的暑期项目.
  • Watch your mail for a copy of the Student Information Questionnaire that will provide background information for the teachers and the college counselor who will prepare your recommendations.
  • 与大学辅导员和父母约个时间.
  • Start to identify and meet with teachers and others you will ask to write your letters of recommendation. 最有帮助的信是那些最了解你的老师写的, 他们可以举出你的贡献和成就的具体例子.



  • 重要事项:提交“记录版本, 建议授权, and Waiver of Right to Inspect Recommendations” form signed by student and parent (if student is under 18). 没有这个签名表格, ICJA cannot lawfully release student transcripts and recommendations to colleges and scholarship programs.
  • 起草你的个人陈述和补充论文, 把你的暑期活动更新到你的简历上.
  • 安排老师写推荐信. 至少在推荐截止日期前一个月, supply each teacher with a stamped envelope addressed to the college’s Director of 招生 along with the recommendation form from each college, 如果有的话. 让老师直接把推荐信寄给学校.
  • 开始制定你的候选名单——你要申请的学校.
  • 当你确定了你的大学名单, obtain applications by going to college websites–some applications can be downloaded, 很多都可以在网上提交. If you apply online, be sure to make a copy of the completed application for your file.
  • 开始递交申请. 每一份待处理的申请, complete a College Application Processing Form and an Application Checklist form. Bring them and the materials you want ICJA to submit to your meeting with a college counselor. 确保你已经完成了每个表格的所有学生部分. All materials must be submitted at least three weeks before the college deadlines. 注意所有的截止日期是你的责任.
  • 注册9月至1月的SAT/ACT考试. Early action/ early decision candidates must make sure scores will reach colleges in time for early review. 如果有疑问,请联系大学招生办公室.
  • Request that “official” ACT/SAT scores be sent to colleges that have not received them. You may do this online or by obtaining additional score report forms in the ICJA College Resource Center.
  • 访问ICJA的大学代表.
  • 参观选定的大学校园.
  • Be alert for scholarship opportunities: Utilize reliable search engines such as www.fastweb.不要向任何人或任何公司支付奖学金/经济援助.
    If you have a clear first choice college and don’t have to compare financial aid offers, 提交提前决定申请.
  • 申请滚动招生机构. Remember that getting applications in early (preferably by mid-October) is crucial at colleges and universities that have rolling admissions policies, 包括许多州立大学.
  • 如果你正在考虑“间隔年”计划, 继续遵循正规的大学申请流程. Once you have been admitted to the college of your choice, request a deferral for a year. 了解你就读的每一所大学的延期政策. Not all colleges grant deferrals, in particular for candidates admitted via early decision.
  • 所有大学都要求经济援助申请人填写FAFSA. 在线完成FAFSA www.fafsa.ed.政府. 一些大学还要求经济援助申请者填写第二份表格, 称为CSS配置文件, 一般在申请截止日期的几周内. 去 www.美国大学.com. 如果你要申请经济援助, ask your parents to assemble the information needed to complete the FAFSA and CSS Profile, 适当的.


  • 继续申请程序. 观察期限, 尤其是优先截止日期和提前决定, 提早行动, 和单一选择提前行动截止日期. Submit all applications to the college counseling office at least three school weeks (not including school vacation days) before the college deadlines.
  • 跟进要求的建议.


  • Notify the College Counseling staff if seventh semester grades are to be sent to colleges. 如果你没有提交,请提交年中报告表格.
  • Submit all applications with a 1月 deadline to the College Counseling office by 12月 1st.
  • Notify the College Counseling staff of all Early Decision/提早行动 responses. Withdraw other applications if you receive a binding Early Decision acceptance.
  • 当指定时,尽早申请住房. 检查退款政策.


  • Study for final exams; seventh semester grades are important.
  • 给给你写推荐信的人发感谢信.
  • 在1月11日之前提交所有2月1日截止日期的申请.


  • 通知学院咨询人员所有大学的回复(录取), 否认, 候补名单, 取款, 延期)和所有奖学金.
  • 注册AP考试.


  • Continue to notify the College Counseling department as you receive college decisions, 奖学金和经济援助计划.
  • 去找大学的咨询人员分析一下你的选择.
  • 在比较录取和经济援助方案后,做出决定.
  • Submit intent to enroll form and enrollment deposit to the college you plan to attend. 作出必要的房屋安排.
  • As soon as possible, inform other colleges that have accepted you that you will not attend. 请注意,学生必须在5月1日之前宣布他们的意图. 仔细观察这个截止日期.
  • If you receive notification that have been placed on a “wait-list” for one or more schools you would like to attend, 如果你愿意,就接受这个机会吧, 但一定要给直接录取你的大学交一笔保证金.
  • 通知学院咨询部门你的决定.
  • 如果你打算参加间隔年项目, you must get a deferral in writing from the college you will attend the following year.


  • 要求将你的最终成绩单寄到你将要就读的大学.
  • 参加AP考试.
  • 不要屈服于资历问题. Colleges have been known to revoke admission if there is a serious decline in grades.


毕业! 即使毕业了也要记住这一点, the ICJA Counseling Department is available to offer advice about choosing majors or transferring schools.


  • 该字段用于验证目的,应该保持不变.